The BN Shop is separate to the BN Forum but you can link the two to make sure you get your BN Member Savings - it is super simple - follow the steps below and we will create your account in the BN Shop in a couple of clicks...

It's easy
This will only take a minute and only needs to be done once.
When you click the link you will be taken to your Membership Portal on - this is the bit where your membership info is stored (and also where you can update your photo on your membership card - who knew?)

a couple of clicks
Firstly you will need to be logged in to (If you are struggling the use the 'forgotten password' reset)
Once you are in click 'BN Shop' in the Membership section and follow the instructions to link your account.
and it's done...
We know you want to take a look around the shop ASAP but if you do this now all your discounts and member benefits will be in place.
Trust us, it is well worth it.
Right are you ready?
did you know
BN Members SAVE £££
One of the many positives of British Naturism Membership is that you save money on purchases, events and open the door to a number of exclusive BN Member benefits.