Our community sessions are open to British Naturism Members and International Guests - the majority are included free-of-charge with membership.

Coffee Morning | Book Club | Family Group | Friday Night Quiz

You need to be logged in to book | International guests please use this link


Book & Media Club - 20:00

Join Peter Houghton on a Tuesday night as we discuss books that you have read and enjoyed also with any films or television programmes you have seen. We also talk about music including the Beatles, the Who, punk, new wave and Brit Pop to people like Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott.

No prior knowledge is required, just come along and chat away.


Weekly Coffee Morning - 12:00

Join in with our members-only coffee morning each week.

It is great fun and a valuable way to make new friends.


BN Parents Chat - 20:00
(first Thursday)

A family-focused chat...

The perfect chance to make some virtual connections with parents of other naturist families, share stories and meet like minded friends.


The Pub Quiz - 19:30

The Weekly Virtual Quiz Night has been added to the Free Online Events for all BN, INA or INF-FNI members

Enjoy meeting friends old and new and test out the old Grey Matter

FREE online community sessions per week with your BN Membership

Join British Naturism


If you are a member of the INF or other recognised international Naturist organisation then you are welcome to join in our British Naturism community sessions.


Recieve our latest weekly releases, offers, guides and more.

Thank you!